• Nour Amjahdi

    Project manager and music mediator

    Nour Amjahdi is a music mediator and choral conductor committed to the decolonization of classical music. She is sensitive to the reality of members of marginalized groups and the lack of positive representation devoted to them in culture and more specifically in the classical music industry. That's why Nour chooses to contribute to the promotion of diversity and inclusion within the local music community.

    For her, mediation is a proactive way to decompartmentalize classical music, to make it accessible to diverse audiences and especially to have a social impact on individuals.

    Nour is a musicology student at the University of Montreal, she plans to continue her studies in sociomusicology in connection with the mediation and decolonization of the Quebec classical music industry.

    Nour was mandated to conceive and/or to animate music mediation activities by several institutions as Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal (OSM), le Centre des musiciens du monde (CMM), le réseau des donateurs de l’UdeM, Orchestre métropolitain (OM) and La Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ). She is a part of Médiateurs et Médiatrices de la musique du Québec (MéMuQ).

    Nour is the choir director for the extracurricular choirs of Collège Stanislas, the choir of the RCEQ (Réseau choral des écoles québécoises) of École Sainte-Catherine-de-Sienne, as well as rehearsal coach for Les Petites Voix du Plateau.

    In addition to her music mediation and choral conducting activities, Nour has experience in musicology research and music mediation. As a research assistant and student member at the OICRM (Observatoire interdisciplinaire de création et de recherche en musique), she sits on the EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) committee. She is also coordinator of the EPMM Student Laboratory (Étude partenariale de la médiation de la musique). Nour is also part of the DIG! (Différences et inégalités de genre en musique au Québec) as a member of the university pole.

    Nour holds a DEC from Cegep of Saint-Laurent in classical trumpet interpretation, which she has been practicing since she was 10 years old. She has several experiences to her credit as an orchestral musician, which gives her a good knowledge of the symphony orchestra.

Nour Amjahdi's position is supported by the Conseil des Arts de Montréal through the program DémartMTL